Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 Reflections

This time last year, I was over 300 pounds. I had a hard time fitting into booths at restaurants. I was squeezing into a size 24 jeans and 3X tops, because I refused to admit that I was a size 26, and in some cases, needed to be wearing a 4X top. I napped every single day. I got winded walking to my mailbox. I couldn't wear my wedding set. I refused to even consider flying. I was embarrassed in group settings. I was starting to have trouble with simple things, like tying my shoes, because my belly simply got in the way. I was the most unhealthy and insecure I have ever been in my entire life.

In May/June, my family went to the beach. Shortly after that trip, photos surfaced of me. I was mortified. I had been avoiding the camera for so long, that I didn't have a true perspective of just how huge I really had allowed myself to become. I was disgusted. On July 5th, I literally decided I couldn't go another day on the same path I had been on. I launched this weight loss journey, and began to take control of my health.

At first, I started trying to journal just for myself. I didn't share my blog with anyone. My fear of failure made it super difficult for me to "come out" that I was on yet another weight loss journey. I began telling a few friends about my thoughts and sharing with them my journal. It began to snowball, and then I just jumped in feet first and started sharing with everyone. I faced my fear head-on. I do not claim to be politically correct, always right, an expert, or place any other claim to fame. I just am a busy mom who from time to time sits down and spits out the crazy cakes thoughts that surround my weight loss journey. Some of those posts have taken criticisms. A lot of those posts have resulted in people saying they relate. I don't regret or take back any of them, and you can bet that 2012 will bring tons and tons more as I dial in and focus even more on this journey.

In case you're wondering, I did run the stats and pulled what posts got the most traffic for 2011.

A couple of honorable mention posts:

My Top Five Posts From 2011:

All-in-all, 2011 resulted in some amazing accomplishments. Apologies to anyone who followed my facebook page and have already seen this list. :) Some of my 2011 accomplishments were:
  • Dropping 60 pounds, and moving out of the morbidly obese category
  • Buying an article of clothing off a non-fat girl sizes rack
  • Fitting my wedding set on my fingers (without the use of lotion)
  • Having my breasts actually stick out farther than my belly does
  • Purchasing a gym membership, and actually using it for, you know, working out
  • Setting, and then KILLING a one mile run time
  • Finally grasping that it's more than putting down the twinkie and picking up celery
  • Coming to terms with the fact that weight loss isn't clean, simple, straight forward, easy or consistent. It's a true journey, with lots of ups and downs that create massively bipolar emotions and battles with yourself that make you feel totally crazy cakes... and it's worth it.
This year has been such a pivotal year for me. It was the year that I not only took the first step on the first day, but I found the strength and courage to push through and continue all the way to the end of the year. 2011 was the year that I decided I didn't want to be fat anymore, and I actually did something to change it. I'm honored that you have decided to follow along and will be in the front row to see what happens in 2012.


  1. Awesome post! Good luck this year honey!

  2. You are an inspiration! Keep up the great work!
