Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Sucky Mom Moment = Awesome Me Moment

Who knew that working on my health could create a sucky mom moment? I sure didn't, but it sure did. Here's the story.

I have three kids. While playing outside with my youngest two (almost two and almost six), I decided to throw in some exercises instead of just standing around watching them run like madmen. I did some stretches. I did a few jumping jacks. Then I headed off in a direction in walking lunges. That's what started it.

Middle Child: Mom... What the heck are you doing?
Me: Walking Lunges
Middle Child: Ummm, you're doing it kinda slow.
Me: Yes, child. I'm SUPPOSED to do them slow.
Middle Child: Well I like to go fast.
Me: Really? Nooo.... I never knew that!! (don't slip on the dripping sarcasm in that comment)
Middle Child: Mom, you're so weird.
Me: Duh. Where do you think you get it from.
Middle Child: I'll bet I can beat you in a race.
Me: You ALWAYS beat me in a race. But that's why I'm doing walking lunges - so I can beat you one day.
Middle Child: Walking weird and slow will make you run faster? (note the disbelief)
Me: Amazingly, yes. Didn't you ever hear the story of the tortoise and the hare?
Middle Child: Huh? (obviously I need to work on old school stories with this one)
Me: Nevermind. The answer is yes. It will make me faster.
Middle Child: Well, let's see. Race you to the storage building. Ready? Set?
Me: Wait! No fair starting while I'm...
Middle Child: GO!! (and off he sprints)

Naturally, it was my instinct to giggle and take off after him, in spite of knowing he'd beat me once again. Only, this time, my "walking slow" paid off. As we neared the destination he had set forth, I began to notice I was pulling ahead. And glory of all glories, I WON! I won the race!! I had finally seen something tangible from all of my hard work besides the fit of my clothing! I was so excited and proud of myself. It was like winning the Boston Marathon

And then, it dawned on me: You just won a sprint race... against a five year old... MY five year old. And said five year old was NOT happy. In that moment, I felt horrible for crushing him in the race. Talk about a sucky mom moment...

He didn't cry, and he wasn't a bad sport about it. In fact, he congratulated me like any good man would do. He even offered a high five, which I gladly accepted. But it was obvious he was perplexed that he didn't win in the race against Mom that he has always won.

I explained to him that I have been unhealthy, and that I want him to start to believe that Mom is a strong, fast person. And that I am going to only get stronger and faster. He said some niceties about how he knew I was working to lose weight and how I was exercising a lot and how I won't eat cake or cookies. He told me he was proud of me (sweet kid).

As we were headed back towards the starting point, I looked over, and he was walking back while doing walking lunges. I giggled and asked him why he was walking like that. He said, "Because walking slow makes you run faster, and I'm gonna beat you next time!"

We'll see about that, kid. We will see.

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