Sunday, November 6, 2011

November Progress Report

Well, let's have an honest moment here. I have only lost a total of four pounds since my progress report last month. I was feeling pretty down on myself, because I experienced a big gain after restarting P90X, and obviously my scale progress has slowed considerably this month.

I have thought that the gain I saw on the scale was a direct result of restarting the P90X program - at least that's what I had hoped. After all, I have worked very hard this month, with almost no deviation from my nutrition, in spite of Halloween. I had zero temptation from Halloween candy, which is usually a big vice of mine.

Today, I decided to jump the gun and shoot my November progress photo five days early. This was decided for purely selfish reasons - my fifth wedding anniversary is November 10, I'm supposed to shoot my progress photo on November 11, and I really didn't want to be bothered with it over the weekend when I am going to be celebrating with my honey.

So, at the risk of taking the progress photo and seeing, well, no progress, I decided to hand my point and shoot to my almost six year old, and just do it.

Lesson of the day: "they" are not lying when "they" say that the scale doesn't always tell the whole story. The photos were taken in the same shirt, same size, different color (you can see how much longer it is on me now), and the same jeans, which were slightly snug and are now slightly baggy (this is really noticeable around my knees and at the backs of my thighs).

Can I just say: I can't BELIEVE I'm doing it!!


  1. You can really see a difference in the way your clothes are fitting. And your boobs look perkier too! Great job! I am proud of you!

  2. Goodness!! What a HUGE difference! This is EXACTLY WHY I don't like only using the scale to tell me what's going on with my body! Things are shifting around for SURE with you, and that much is CLEAR! Keep up the AWESOME job! We're all rooting for you here! =]

  3. Great Job!!! Those are some amazing progress photos!! Keep it up, you are an Inspiration :) <3

  4. Hi there! I'm new to your blog. I just started my own fitness journey! These pictures speak volumes! Congratulations! :)

  5. Saw your picture on! You are doing great! Keep going! I did a health program last year and lost 40 pounds in 16 weeks. I felt like a new woman! My husband did the same program in the same general amount of time and lost 60 pounds! It's so worth it to gain your health back! Good luck! I'll be following your blog! :)
