Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Wednesday Weigh In

Ahh life. She gets bumpy, doesn't she? I've had a fun visit to the ER via ambulance/near death experience with penicillin since my last post. That was an adventure! I've also had some personal things going on that have a way of sucking up all of my time, and putting some crazy pressure and stress on me. A boring life would sure be nice - is there anywhere I can order one of those?!

ANYWAY, It's been like, forever, since I've done a Wednesday Weigh In, and today just HAPPENS to be Wednesday! These results will be more than slightly skewed, since my last Wednesday Weigh In was over a month ago. Nonetheless, I've gotta pick up somewhere. So, here we go!!

Height: 5'8
Start Weight: 291
Last Weight: 283.5
Current Weight: 273.6
Recorded Loss: -9.9
Total Loss: -17.4

Start BMI: 44.2
Current BMI: 41.6
First Goal Weight: 280

Remaining to Goal: MET!
Current Goal Weight: 270

Remaining to Goal: 3.6
Current Goal BMI: 41.0
Remaining to Goal: 0.6
Date of Current Goal: September 30, 2011

I should also add that I have officially reached a weight that is 40 pounds lighter than my heaviest weight, the day I brought my youngest child home from the hospital in January 2010! Yay me!!

I really think I'll end up meeting my next goal weight moderately soon, but I went ahead and set my goal date for the end of the month anyway. I haven't set any secondary goals yet, but I'm working on that now. It's a little late in the month, but I'm okay with that.

For me, the moral of this story is, life gets hectic, and we can't always fit everything into our schedules the exact way that we thought that we would be able to; however, there's absolutely no excuse to give up. I've been in and out at best with my blogging and goal setting the past month and a half, but I still managed to continue to lose and keep on track with my progress. Life goes on. So should I.

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