Monday, October 1, 2012

September Progress Report

Here we go with September in Review!

I saw a loss of 6 pounds from August to September, which doesn't account for some fluid retention that I'm seeing right now.

Over the month of September, I walked/jogged 67.28 miles, and completed additional cross training. I improved my 5K time by over 11 minutes. I officially moved completely into 1X/Size 18 tops, and into size 20 pants. I officially dropped out of the morbidly obese category. The shirts I bought off the rack from Old Navy last month are TOO BIG this month!

Here are my reports from My Fitness Pal:


  1. Great job!! keep it up. It's definitely working! you look great! and way to go on going that many miles. awesome!


  2. girl you are so disgusting. do you not see that your fat rolls have fat rolls? i don't care how much weight you claim to have lost. you should lock yourself in your house and never leave. maybe when you hit 120, you can show some pics or something, but even then you will probably have a bunch of nasty skin, so pretty much, no. you will never be normal. no one has the guts to say it, but no one wants to see that. besides, 57 pounds in 15 months? what did you do? give up one twinkie a week? please. your not awesome. your gross.

    1. SHAME ON YOU!! I'd LOVE to see a picture of you. I can only imagine how horrible your life must be that you feel the need to degrade someone in a pathetic attempt to make yourself feel better. It must be exhausting to be you.
      BUT on a brighter note,this AWESOME woman will not only continue to be AWESOME but continue in greater strides with more followers & supporters than she's had. All because she chose to share your sad attempt at bullying her :-) nice try, Anonymous negativity!

  3. Wow, way to go! You're inspiring - not just because of how much booty you're kicking, but also your ability to handle trolls. You have so much to be proud of.

  4. I think you're wonderful. Keep up the good work. Remember that you aren't doing this for anyone else but yourself. There will always be people who try to knock you down and hold you back. It hurts when people say cruel things but you have to focus on you. And I think you are doing an amazing job - and you look great!

  5. You're doing a fabulous job! You're losing an amazing 1-2 lbs per week, which is considered the healthiest way to do it. To boot, you'll be more likely to keep off the slow and steady weight loss, ~and~ you're giving your skin time to catch up with your fat loss. Please know that you inspire people like me, who are still struggling to break 35 lbs lost after two years of trying. At the end of the day, we have to remember that the number on the scale is just one component of becoming healthier. There are numbers that matter so much more than that, such as the number of inches we lose, the numbers that have changed for the better in our blood work, the number of minutes we can exercise, and the number of days since we began this journey towards becoming better people. You keep going, if for nothing more than to spite the anonymous trolls everywhere who mock those of us who are trying to be productive with our lives while they hide behind the internet like the cowards they are.

  6. I think you're doing amazing. I fully support weighs loss surgeries but if you have the willpower and motivation to take the weight off with diet and exercise good for you! Seriously kudos to you! As for the anonymous hater. You're an idiot. You probably have a low self-esteem and only feel better about yourself by tearing others down. Hows that working out for you?

  7. You totally rock!!!!!! Keep your chin up & keep going!!!!! I think you are awesome!!!!! Have a fabulous week!!!

  8. I'm doing my own weightloss progress on a FB page. I just started my journey a week ago and I am really impressed and proud of your progress! I'll be following your progress for some of my own motivation. Keep up the great work and don't let the desperate, disgusting trolls out there discourage you in any way. God bless!

  9. Amazing results, you are a rock star! Keep it up, lady! Hugs out to you from Chicago! :-)

  10. Girl you look amazing! I can totally see that with a little more gone you will have a fabulous shape! You have come so far and honestly there's not that much more to go. It becomes a lifestyle and just an everyday thing to workout and eat right. Even if you stop here you look great!
