Monday, August 6, 2012

Stormed Out

Tonight I had great plans. My oldest is away for the week. I was going to send my middle off to football practice with the hubs. And the little and I were grabbing the stroller and we were heading off for another glorious walk/jog with less whining.

And then ten minutes before time for football practice and the blissfully peaceful walk, BAM. It started storming. Football practice: cancelled. Walk/jog: same fate. Talk about disappointment. I was utterly heartbroken.

I went about my evening routine. Spent some quality front porch time with the hubs. Mopped up a great flood following the little's bath. Mopped up the mini flood the little created with the middle's water bottle. Cooked dinner. Sent the boys to bed.

Now it's almost 9pm, the rain has subsided, and it's too dark to be randomly wandering down country roads. Le sigh.

But all is not lost. The hubs and I concocted a fun game. And over the next two hours, while we are watching our guilty pleasure adult shows, we are going to be challenging each other to mini-exercise sessions each commercial break. I intend to do 3-4 minutes of jogging in place, jumping jacks, one minute planks, yoga poses, squats, lunges, pushups, and several other spurts of exercises with my honey until we wind down and head to bed.

My plans got stormed out. But I didn't.

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