Friday, August 10, 2012


This morning, I got out of bed, I had a quick fueling breakfast, I got my workout gear on, hydrated, stretched, and hit the road. I walked/jogged a round-trip on some back roads near my home for a grand total of 2.70 miles.

As I sat on my front porch recovering, I found myself caught up in the fact that my "time" for that 2.70 miles wasn't "respectable" in my mind. I came inside, still somewhat discouraged, and logged onto facebook. As I started scrolling through, a photo jumped out at me. It said: Whether it's a 14 minute mile or a 7 minute mile, it's still a mile.


I'm one of those people who believes that there are times that you will hear exactly what you need to hear at a time that you need to hear it most. This was one of those times. Here I was, after accomplishing a 2.7 mile walk/jog with multiple hills that were extremely challenging, and I was beating myself up because I didn't complete it as fast as I thought I should have. What is wrong with me?!

I am going to continue to push to improve my time, because that will show the progress in my journey, but I refuse to allow myself to mentally browbeat myself if I have a day that it's slower than I think it should be or have done it in the past. There will be days that I don't perform as well as others. That doesn't mean that I'm not making progress towards my goals. The fact that I am making the effort to get out there and complete a variety of workouts is something to be proud of. That includes my morning trek, regardless of the time I made.

I completed a 2.7 mile walk/jog this morning. And I am proud of myself for doing it.

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of you, too. That is awesome that you're doing that. :)
