Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Football Moms

Tonight I got my feelings stepped on by some little league football moms. Here's the story.

The middle had his first scrimmage tonight. The team we were playing was a team within our league. The team moms from both teams were scattered around the field socializing with each other before the game started. Since I was there alone, I decided to approach some moms that were standing and chatting.

As I walked towards them, I took notice that most of them were slightly older than me (maybe by five years or so). There were two categories of women standing in the group. There were very well put together moms, with their perfectly coordinated accessories and not very practical for the football field shoes. And there were the decked out in name brand tennis skirts and moisture wicking shirts with very well placed pony tails (the kind with hair wrapped around the hair tie and perfectly styled bangs). Before I ever opened my mouth, I felt like an outsider in my tshirt, khaki shorts and running shoes.

When I reached their circle, I wasn't greeted (warning, warning!) by a single one. They continued their conversation, and I listened. One of the perky fitness ladies mentioned her morning workout. Ahh yes. Something I can relate to. I started trying to chat with them, and one of the ladies looked at me and retorted, "You work out??"

It got silent. They all stopped talking to each other, and stared at me.

I explained about my weight loss journey, told them about my past few workouts, shared about my progress. When I finished, the skeptic shrugged and simply responded with, "Well... good for you, I guess." And with that, the ladies went back to speaking with each other.

I stood around for another several minutes before finally wandering off to find another place to hang. I actually ended up better off for it. I spent a good portion of time tossing a football around with the oldest. We did a plank and wall sits together. We enjoyed ourselves immensely. And I got some exercise in. SCORE!


I have to admit... It bothers me.

I've known this sort of thing exists. Hell, I've experienced it enough. I guess I was just hoping that I wouldn't experience it as I continued to lose. Yes. I'm still a big girl. I know that I'm not anywhere near 120 pounds. I realize that it is going to be quite some time before my body comes close to reaching that point. But at this stage in the game, I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I'm leading a healthier lifestyle than probably two-thirds of America, including some of those perfect ponytail ladies in their sports garb. It's the knowledge of that fact that allows me to keep my head high in spite of being judged by people who don't know any better.

Well, that, and knowing that one day, I will have the smokin' fit body of their dreams... and I will have the experience of just how shallow they truly are, and know to avoid them. :)

Truthfully, I continue to be convinced that I have had the experiences that I have had to be able to more effectively relate to people who have been in my shoes, and have the capacity to help others without any condescension or judgment. What doesn't kill me makes me stronger, and entirely empathetic to others.

So, at the end of the day, the snooty women did me a favor. Rather than standing around having small talk with shallow women, I got a solid hour long workout with my kid, gained an additional level of compassion, and took a few more steps towards my goal.

For those keeping score at home, the final was: Snooty Football Moms: 0; Deanna: 3


  1. I just found your blog and have been going through some of your past postings and came across this one. Over the years I have had the opportunity to be both the "big girl" in the group and "the cute one" as my weight and confidence bounces around a lot. I promise you, PROMISE YOU, that those women are way more messed up and less grounded than you are. They put on those appearances because they are so unhappy in their lives and would die before anyone knew it. I was shocked when I realized this when I was first admitted to those kind of circles. Now, I am mid-range and want no part of it. My friends now run the gammit of looks, money, weight, etc. and we have a blast together. We would have greeted you and looked to be your friend before pushing people away, because that is what nice people do. Keep up the good work!

  2. ^^^ so true! Those women must have had some major issues that they are disguising! Sorry you experienced that!
