Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sometimes The Scale Isn't Fair

The Scale Never Lies, Right?


Over the past week, I have been on fire. I have stayed around 1400ish calories everyday without fail. I have gotten in workouts everyday, with the exception of Wednesday. I have gotten the appropriate amount of sleep. I haven't been stressed. My scale should have seen some serious movement.

But it didn't. It's been stuck at the same number for the entire week.

I have seen some fluid retention this past week, so I'm assuming that I will see the scale move soon. But the fact of the matter is, I'm truly not worried.

So many times, you will hear trainers and weight loss coaches say things like, "The scale never lies." While that can be true, and the scale can be a tool to help you reflect on your journey to see where adjustments can be made to see better success, truthfully, sometimes the scale isn't fair.

Weight loss can stall, according to the scale, for a number of reasons. It's really important that when you are on a weight loss journey, if you are being completely honest with yourself about what you are consuming and burning, that you not be consumed with what the scale says. There are so many nonscale victories that can be celebrated along the way, and oftentimes you will find that those can come along during a time when the scale seems to be stuck. You may find that an article of clothing fits better, or that your mile time is improving.

Short term scale stalls, and sometimes even minor increases (up to 5 pounds) can be a completely normal phenomenon with a weight loss journey. Remember with any journey, there will be hills and valleys, highs and lows. When the scale isn't reflective of the work that you have been putting in, do not get discouraged. Keep your chin up, and keep up with what you are doing. I promise, if you're following a program that is healthy, your body and your scale will catch up.

And so will mine.

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