Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Three Months Progress Report

Well, there I am, in all of my no makeup, no frills glory. And this is my progress, three months into this journey. This is what 25.5 pounds gone looks like on my body. 

It's interesting really. When I am looking down at my belly, or in the mirror at my butt, I see no difference. But as insane as it is to me, there it plain as the nose on my face: Progress. To celebrate the progress, I thought I would document some of the changes I've noticed in how I feel, and some reflections. :)

The differences three months and 25 pounds into this journey has made:
  • My energy level has increased
  • I've gone down one (and a half) pants sizes
  • My breathing is less labored
  • My knees hurt less
  • I'm noticing more "curves"
  • I plainly feel better all the way around
Reflections on my journey so far:

The first few weeks of my weight loss journey were the hardest. I was determined, but I missed junk food. I craved fast food. I missed being "able" to eat with reckless abandon. I hated having to cook everything at home because foods outside of home were so bad for me. I resented the journey. 

Once I made it past the first few weeks, which were super bumpy, I started settling into a bit of a routine. I didn't resent the journey as much. I started enjoying finding new healthy foods. I was feeling so full after small meals, that I didn't miss eating tons and tons of horrid foods. I started physically feeling better and having TONS more energy, and I didn't miss the yucky food comas that come from eating heavy white flours and refined sugars. 

I honestly can say that I have fully accepted this as a lifestyle change. I can't imagine going back to consistently eating the crap I was eating before. I can't imagine going back to a sedentary lifestyle. I absolutely won't move away from now being a "perimeter shopper" at the grocery store. 

Success is mine. Consistent choices towards my overall health are paying off. And it's only a matter of time until I officially reach my goals. 

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