Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Big Effin' Gain, Plyo Makes Me Puke, and Other News

I recently boosted my workout regime. Actually, let me rephrase that... I recently went from walking only to pushing myself in ways I never knew I could be pushed. I've burned hundreds and hundreds of calories each day, with only one day off in a week. My inner monologue has been AWESOME. Dear Me: You ROCK! And then...

I got on the scale, fully expecting some miraculous Biggest Loser style loss. After all, I'm doing it all right. I haven't cheated with crappy food a single time. I have worked my tail feathers off in workouts. I have been sore in places I didn't realize one could be sore for more than a week now. So what happened when I stepped on that scale? I gained. I gained a lot. My scale trended up to 270 pounds. That's a gain of right at five pounds.

As I've mentioned before, I'm fully aware that the scale will show "false" gains. I routinely see sodium gains that will correct themselves in a couple days, as I'm super sensitive to salt. However, this is a little extreme, even for me. So, while I was definitely frustrated with the gain, I didn't TOTALLY freak out (okay...maybe a little). I did, however, contact a very good friend and mentor of mine, who directed me to an awesome article by Chalene Johnson, that confirmed that yes, an upward trend on the scale exactly like the one I'm experiencing is to be expected when starting a new fitness regime. *Whew* So, I'm keeping with the program, and holding onto the faith that indeed, my body will balance itself out, and my stupid scale will get on board with my progress and start reflecting the awesomeness that I'm doing for myself.

As part of my workout routine, I'm picking back up into P90X (lean). I attempted P90X about a year and a half ago, and was seeing amazing results with it. Then, I experienced a pretty rough knee injury, which left me in an immobilizer for weeks on end, and multiple trips to the orthopedic doctor. I allowed that knee injury to become a crutch, and excuse, to fall off the wagon in a MAJOR way.

Now that I'm crawling...no, running! back to the wagon, I'm really surprised at how much I can push myself with the P90X. I'm very leery and mindful of my knees, but physically I'm doing more than I've ever done before. I pour gallons of sweat (no spray on in this house!). It doesn't look pretty. Today, in my CardioX routine, when the Plyometrics circuit started, I found myself refusing to push the pause button, refusing to accept "I can't" from myself, and pushing through the pain... and proceeded to vomit. So naturally, I rinsed my mouth out and got a handle on myself, brushed my teeth, drank some water, and backed the disc up to start the Plyo circuit over again. And the second time, I made it through, without puking.

I refuse, refuse, refuse to be defeated. I'm continuing this journey, and I'm pushing beyond what I "think" I can do. With that, I look forward to continuing to get thinner, stronger, and healthier; and I know that's happening, in spite of what my stupid scale thinks right now!! :)

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