Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Wednesday Weigh-In & Goals Update

Here are the stats for the weigh in and so far for July goals.

Height: 5'8
Start Weight: 291
Last Weight: 287.2
Current Weight: 285.6
Weekly Loss: -1.6
Total Loss: -5.4
Start BMI: 44.2
Current BMI: 43.4
First Goal Weight: 280
Remaining to Goal: 5.6
First Goal BMI: 42.6
Remaining to Goal: 0.8
Date of First Goal: July 31, 2011

There are 11 days left in July. I have 11 days left to lose 5.6 pounds. I think it's safe to say I'm going to be shy of my goal. However, the month isn't over yet, and even if I'm a little short, I simply can't complain. Slow progress is still progress, and to be honest, I'm stringing for progress, not perfection. As far as this past week's progress is concerned, I'm pretty proud of myself. Here's the breakdown:

July's Daily Goals:

Track all food: I've done this everyday with about 70% consistency. This is a step back from last week, but I will say that I have tracked the last three days in a row. Improvement.

Base of 15 Minutes of Exercise: I am so proud to say that I have done this everyday this week. Not everyday has been formal exercise - I have done some heavy cleaning a couple of days and sweat my tailfeathers off, so I counted it. I have been swimming several times, all of which I made an effort to not just lounge in the pool, but actually work some muscles. Yayness.

8 Glasses of Water: I've increased my water intake, but I have to admit, this goal is still sucking. Majorly.

July's Weekly Goals:

60 Minutes of Family Activity: Swimming to the max! :)

Make One New Healthy Recipe: While I guess it's cheating, because I didn't personally make the recipe, my aunt made this phenomenal Greek chicken that I'm adding to my list. I'll share the recipe soon.

Journal Three Times: Yep.

July's Monthly Goals:

Buy a pedometer: Not yet accomplished

Tell one person about this journey: I think it's safe to say the cat is out of the bag thanks to the Open Letter to Naturally Thin People.

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