Thursday, July 14, 2011

Wednesday Weigh In And Goals Update

I missed the Wednesday Weigh In yesterday, but I picked it up this morning. Here are the stats for the weigh in and so far for July goals.

Height: 5'8
Start Weight: 291
Current Weight: 287.2
Weekly Loss: -3.8
Total Loss: -3.8
Start BMI: 44.2
Current BMI: 43.7
First Goal Weight: 280
Remaining to Goal: 7.2
First Goal BMI: 42.6
Remaining to Goal: 1.1
Date of First Goal: July 31, 2011

Okay, so I have just over two weeks left to hit my goal of losing 7.2 more pounds for the month of July. It's a bit of a steep goal, and I'd like to think I'd be okay if I didn't make it....but I REALLY want to make it. There's a lot that I could be doing and should be doing that I haven't been doing (that will all be addressed below) that would most likely propel me to that goal, so I'm going to shoot for it! Here's to hoping that next week's Wednesday Weigh In will reflect what it needs to in order to get me where I wanna be at the end of this month!!

July's Daily Goals:

Track all food: I've done this everyday with about 80% consistency. I have missed a few things here and there, and there was one day in there that I missed altogether. I did download the mobile app of my calorie trackers so I can update those when I'm out and about and lose that excuse.

Base of 15 Minutes of Exercise: I have done this with about 60% consistency. I haven't been doing ANY formal exercise. But what I HAVE been doing is really throwing myself into heavy cleaning, and taking extra steps, and going the long way around, and really working to get some informal activity worked into my daily routine. While that isn't fully what I had in mind when I made the daily goal for this month, it's certainly more than I've been doing in the past, and a step in the right direction. I'm completely okay with accepting what I have been doing, but I do intend to continue to push to do more as the month progresses.

8 Glasses of Water: Epic, epic failure on this goal. There have been multiple days that I've gotten no water whatsoever. There have been multiple days that I have had very little water. There have been very few days that I have gotten plenty of water, and only one day that I actually hit my water goal, and I really don't think it counts since it was a day that I was working outside in the yard and sweating myself to death and had like zero choice in the matter. This is on my radar as the thing I need to focus on meeting more.

July's Weekly Goals:

60 Minutes of Family Activity: I did meet this goal this week. We took the kids to a local children's museum, walked around, and spent time doing the family thing. Such a total blast. :)
Make One New Healthy Recipe: Yeah...this didn't happen. I tend to get myself into dining ruts. Try again next week!!
Journal Three Times: Totally met this goal this week and then some. So proud that I've kept up with journalling.

July's Monthly Goals:

Buy a pedometer: Not yet accomplished
Tell one person about this journey: Done! I've actually told a couple of my friends, which took a bit of courage considering past failures, but I'm proud that I did it.

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