Saturday, July 23, 2011

Open Letter To Co-workers (and other such figures): Donuts?! REALLY???

Photo Credit Flickr user: LilyJaneStationery
Dear Co-workers (and other such figures):

I can appreciate that bringing in donuts, and pastries, and pizza, and the many "office foods" along those lines is considered to be a nice gesture, and that people always get excited about free junk food... but REALLY?! Okay, so I don't exactly expect every person in the world to adjust their habits just because I am. But seriously, is there any way that when you bring in donuts/muffins/pizza, that you also include a little bit of fruit or some other healthy alternative?

I love donuts as much as the next person. In fact, I probably love them more than I should. And herein lies the problem. I'm sitting in a room, with 30 other people, sitting around eating donuts. My stomach starts singing to me. My mouth starts watering. And in spite of some (I'm sure) stimulating conversation going on in the room, it all fades into the background as I become completely consumed with the fact that everyone is eating donuts, and I am not. Will power is important, and it's really a key to making this journey a success; however, when I am surrounded with dozens of people enjoying a food (or foods) that I miss beyond all measure, it's almost impossible to not indulge.

Granted, I realize that I can have half a donut, or maybe even live on the edge and have a whole donut, and it be a "moderate" snack as long as I have made adjustments to allow for that in my calories for the day. And I realize that I am more than capable of keeping healthy food on hand so I have something to munch on in substitution of your community junk food. But, doesn't it defeat the purpose of you bringing in food for everyone, if everyone can't enjoy it? And, if I can be honest, I feel like a bit of a jerk when I am the only person who is politely declining partaking in your kind gesture.

If you were to bring in half donuts, and half fruit... or even go as far as (gasp!) bringing in fruit and english muffins instead of donuts, I would almost guarantee that the healthy stuff would be devoured, and enjoyed equally! And maybe, just maybe, if small changes like that are made along the way, everyone else in our lives will begin to lead healthier lifestyles as well.

So, what do you say? No more junk food, or at least include healthy alternatives when you insist on junk food? Pretty please??

1 comment:

  1. I have learned to just avoid those office parties where they have donuts and cake. The other day the box of leftover donuts from our latest birthday party was sitting in the coffee room when I walked in there to clean up at the end of the day. I have not had a donut in a very long time, but I walked over to that box and opened the lid. I'm not sure what I would have done had there been any donuts left. There wasn't, so I will never know. I hope I would have made the right decision, but I am a food addict.
    Last night on our way home from an out of town trip, we stopped at a QT. I don't know if all QT's are like this, we don't have any in the town where I live, but this place had the most amazing selection of snacks I have ever seen. I ALMOST bought a little container of donut holes. It was only $1.29, probably 8-10 donut holes in there. I looked and it said it contained 425 calories. WOW! I put it back. Later I wished I would have bought it, let hubby have it, after I ate one. But could I have stopped at just one donut hole? I don't know. Probably better that I just put it back! Hubby really doesn't need them either!
