Sunday, October 7, 2012

Dear Anonymous

I receive notifications of comments on this blog when they are posted. I monitor them pretty closely because, well, weight loss blogs seem to be huge blinking signs for spam. I used to moderate my comments, but it seemed to confuse people when their comment didn't show up, so I turned that feature off. This morning, while I was going through my morning routine, I received notification of the above comment on my September Progress Report.

At first, I cried. Then, I got angry and I almost deleted it. Then I decided that it would be better to use it and blog about it. After all, I promised to keep this blog completely real, and that is definitely part of this journey. The farther I progress into my journey, the more followers I have picked up. The more followers that I pick up, the more susceptible I am to scrutiny. It's just a part of this. It's ugly, but it's real, and it's really a true reflection of the things that we face each day.

In my experience, the way people treat me fall on a bell curve. There are a few very supportive, very kind people. There are a large number of mostly indifferent people. And there are a few exceptionally cruel people. You try not to put much stock in what the cruel people say, but there are times that in the throws of frustration, their words echo in the back of your mind.

While I am okay, truly, what bothers me more than anything is knowing that this person, and plenty more like this person, is out there making people who are far less thick-skinned than I am feel worthless and hopeless. If you are one of those people, please hear me when I say that people like this are not the norm. They are not the majority. People in general do not view you the way this person does. You are beautiful in your own right. Do not allow this level of ignorance to control you and how you feel about yourself. And to the person who wrote that comment, I close with this letter.

Dear Anonymous, 

I am so very sorry that you find my appearance to be less than desirable. As far as my "fat rolls" are concerned, how I view myself is really none of your concern. My relationship with my body is no more your business than my finances are. But for the record, I assure you that I see my flaws just as clearly as you do, without you pointing them out to me; thank you very much. 

There is a bit of a contradiction in your comment, as you instruct me to stay in my home, and yet you expect me to be a healthy weight (although I have to admit that at 5'8, I would most likely appear to be emaciated at 120 pounds). How is it that you expect me to obtain a healthy weight if I never leave the confines of my living room? Even if I were to attempt workout DVDs, I would have to go out to purchase those, and the items necessary to complete those.

As to your comment about whether or not I will be normal, I hope I am NEVER average, as it is my goal to be exceptional. What you stated was not something that required guts, but actually displayed quite a large level of cowardice. You came to my blog on your own accord, and you commented anonymously about how disgusting you find me to be. At what level is that considered to be an action that possesses guts?? 

My level of awesome is not determined based on your scale. Unfortunately for you, you seem to have a real problem with understanding basic capitalization rules, and clearly need some direction in grammar, as you used the improper homonyms in several places in your brief, yet rude comment. Your comment is completely negated by your seemingly lacking education. Please go find something else to do with your time and energy and stop attempting to bully me. 

Oh, and by the way, I HATE twinkies. 

Have a blessed day. 

~Deanna, The Fat Friend


  1. Dear Deanna,

    I think you are spectacularly well written, brave, and inspiring.

    What this ignorant commenter does not understand, because it is likely beyond anything they could comprehend, is that progress is PROGRESS!!!
    A loss of 57 lbs in 6 months, 12 months, 2 years, or 5 years is. still. progress. And it is AWESOME!!!!!!

    You are healthier in mind, body, and spirit than most, and you continue to learn and grow as this journey continues.

    I say bravo to you! For having the courage to look yourself in the mirror, do the hard work, and make the changes to become a better you. And also, for the eloquent, and even kind response to this ridiculous comment someone left on your blog.

    Keep going! Keep going! Keep going!

  2. What a well written response to this ignorant person! Keep up the great work and know that there are people in your corner.

  3. People are so mean and clearly she needs some Jesus in HER life!

    Leigh Ann :)

  4. Keep your head up! Like you said you don't need to go by their scale to know how awesome you are! Good luck in everything you do! :-)

  5. You're beautiful. And that idiot is SO consumed with envy obviously. They hate themselves so they have to bring someone else down. It's sad. But acting the way they do they don't deserve pity. Just remember, diarrhea of the mouth. :-/ You're BEAUTIFUL, inside and OUT, so they can just f* off! <3

  6. You notice this person did not post pictures of their self on here. They didn't even have the guts to sign their name to it. It is real easy, to easy in fact to judge and ridicule someone from behind a blind curtain or computer screen even.
    Congratulations on the progress Deana and keep up the work!
    Twinkies are the most disgusting food on the planet. How they became so popular I will never know!

  7. I have been following you for awhile. I have also just started my own blog. I just wanted to tell you that I am shocked at whomever sent that post to you. They should be embarrassed for being so ignorant. You have made positive steps in the right direction for your health. For that you should be proud. I will continue to support you on your journey. Good luck.

  8. Good for you. Keep your head high and keep up the good work.

  9. I only came across this post thru a friend of a friend, your response is so composed, you should be proud to walk out your front door. To hold your head high, because you have such dignity. Keep going, be proud, you are worth it! Good luck. X

  10. You just GAINED another follower!!!

  11. I think it's admirable how you handled this persons hateful words. Keep going darlin!

  12. I love your classy response. This poor excuse for a human being obviously lacks class, courage, and composure unlike yourself. Stay true to YOU because I may not know you, but I can see you are amazing. Congratulations on your progress! Keep up the good work!

  13. Wow! I love your thoughts and response to this! I don't know your complete story but you sound like an amazing person. Keep up the good work and continue to hold your head high!

  14. you are doing so amazing! keep up the hard work, it is certainly paying off!

  15. What a truly sad creature, a bully who, let the truth be told is sitting there behind their keyboard only wishing that they had the courage to try and do what you're doing! So glad to see that you didn't let someone else's small-mindedness knock you down, more power to you girl! You'll go far, people like that wont

  16. Wow. That level of ignorance is not commonly exposed on the web like that, but when it does, it is usually wrapped in anonymity. I wonder how "honest" that person would have been had they actually had to leave their information?

    If you've lost any weight - any weight AT ALL - that is something to be celebrated. Anyone that has ever been on a weight lost journey knows that we start because we need to change our lifestyle, and that is generally because we are overweight. It's not like we need to be told that we are fat, we're pretty much aware of that fact, even after losing a decent amount of weight. When we're losing weight, we're doing it with an end goal in mind. That's what you're doing right now... aiming for a target. Are you there yet? I'm guessing not since you are still "on" your journey. Will you get there? You can bet your ass you will.

    You've lost 57 pounds already? That is MARVELOUS. Keep on doing what you're doing. And in a few months - maybe a few years, who knows? - you can look back on your journey and know that while there may have been haters trying to tear you down, you persevered, endured and succeeded, even amidst the worst of what people have to offer being thrown at you. This person has no understanding of what fighting for your life is like. You do. So I'm absolutely certain that you will end up using this little snippet of ignorance to your advantage as you continue to break through your own limitations on the way to your goals.

    Keep on keeping on. You got this. And from the looks of it, you got a lot of support behind you, too. :)

  17. In reading this person's comments, and noting that they posted anonymously, I worry for him/her. There seems to be a great deal of self-hate in their post. It can, a little too easily, be read as a letter to him/herself. As someone who has yo-yo'd his weight for years and years (I call it the rhythm method of girth control), I am immensely impressed at your progress. Not just at the weight loss, but more so at your perseverance. I, along with millions of others, have incredible trouble 'sticking with it'. You're an inspiration. Thank you. And keep up the good work!

  18. I'm not a follower of yours, having caught this on someone's FB. That being said I'm taking the same journey as you and it takes immense strength to ignore those comments. But you have it and they obviously have not.

  19. It's beyond sad to see that people are so cruel to each other. I admire you for having the courage and the backbone to stand up to that person's hurtful and naive comments. I noticed they kept themselves anonymous, which is even worse. They didn't even have the guts to use their name. Keep up the good work. You just gained the respect of thousands of people who are rooting for you.

  20. Dear Anonymous (who wrote the vile message in the first place),

    Since it is clear you have nothing better to do with your time, perhaps you should consider focusing on proper grammar and learning how to keep your nasty thoughts to yourself. This will help you greatly in your future endevours.



  21. Just keep doing what you are doing! You have the right mindset. I love haters. They give me fuel. It is unfortunate that someone out there is so full of hate and ignorance. More unfortunate that this anonymous person is not the only one. We live in a challenging world, but through perseverence we shape our lives. Never let someone you don't even know dictate how you feel about yourself. You are in control of your own path!

    Keep moving forward!!!

    Justin Rorabaugh

  22. I so love you! You should ABSOLUTELY share your journey as it gives all of us hope and perspective. Body image is such an enormous issue, even for thin people, and your message to accept yourself as you are, where you are, on your way to somewhere better, and realizing it's a journey, is exactly what we as human beings need. It's not just about the shape of our's about our holistic view of ourselves. Thank you for sharing your journey and helping people be compassionate and hopeful about their own journey. You are BEAUTIFUL & AMAZING on all levels!

  23. You are looking so great! I am a new follower, and am on the same journey. I am 16 years older than you, and here you are teaching me! Isn't life amazing?! You keep up your journey, and give those kiddos of yours an extra hug from me!

  24. Good for you girl!! You have done an amazing job so far and don't let anyone ever tell you differently. People like that say the things they do because they are so unhappy with their miserable little lives, they feel the need to put others down because it makes them feel more important. When I come in contact with someone like this, I like to think that even though this person may have ruined my day with their bitterness, that sour attitude is what they have to live with every minute of every day and it almost makes me feel sorry for them.... almost!

    Oh, and I LOVE how you ripped apart her grammar! Way to go!

  25. Keep up the good work and the positive attitude! We need to stop this acceptance of bullying for any reason. As someone who has been both fat and thin and fat again it is only my issues that hold me back. Regardless of my size my friends and family still love me and that is all that matters. I struggle with loving myself and I don't need help from the outside world! I respect you for sharing your journey and struggle and I know what you are going through. We, as women, are ridiculed for being fat and then as Kenna (runs the FB site Goodbye Fat Hello Muscle and posted your story) can attest to we are attacked for losing the weight and getting in shape! It is maddening to define ourselves by others. I admire you and am cheering you on in your journey for it is the same journey I am walking...we are not alone.

  26. Psychologists say, those that criticize do not do so because of the faults YOU have, but because of THEIR own feelings of inadequacy. Please do not take to heart what that person wrote. He/she has his/her own demons, which are manifesting themselves in "projection bullying." He/she feels that he/she is the one that will never be normal, and should not leave the house. It truly has nothing to do with your personally, other than he/she thought perhaps you would be vulnerable enough to release his/her emotions into. I am so happy to see that you did not accept them! There will always be at least one critic. Even the people who's lives we admire and think have it down perfectly, have at least one and usually many critics. You have displayed a great deal of grace in your response!

  27. What a coward...couldn't even post a name? It's pretty easy to be mean and hateful when you are annonymous. Keep up the great work!!!And 57 lbs is a huge deal - great job!

  28. Dear Deanna,

    I'd like to applaud you for not deleting the 'haters' and rather making an example of how uneducated and cruel people can be. And by being such a strong and positive role model you have truly come out the winner.
    This was the first time I've ever seen your blog (as someone was kind enough to share the post on Facebook), and besides being incredibly proud of how you've handled this situation, it also made me start reading through your other blog posts.
    I am in a very similar situation as you... struggling daily to maintain a healthy lifestyle and lose weight... I'm down 22lbs but have another 50 to go to be at what I consider an optimal weight. I've yoyo'd in the past, but in the last 6 months I've decided to take control and commit to becoming a healthier version of myself. I am glad to know about your blog now, so I can continue along side of you and keep myself motivated as well as helping you and your followers stay on track.
    So I guess I'm saying 'thank you' Anonymous, because if it wasn't for their ignorance and blatant disrespect, I would not have been introduced to such a strong and motivating person and blog.
    Keep up the great work Deanna!

  29. Hi Deanna! Bravo to you for keeping your head high, what a very classy reply you wrote. I heard this quote once " haters don't really hate you, they hate themselves cause you are a relection of what they wish to be... You keep going on your fitness and health journey and never let anyone bring you down. All the best!

  30. Way to go on making a stand for yourself! You have to start somewhere and, I know for a fact that losing 57ish pounds is no easy feet no matter how large a person is!! I hope you keep up a-mazingness and continue working for the best you you can be :) You are beautiful

  31. Good for you girl with your honest, well written answer! Shame on this jerk! You are amazing and I can only hope to be like you through out my weight loss journey!

  32. My dear-

    You were right to cry, then be angry... now I hope you can give them a BIG eye roll. You are looking great! You can definitely tell the progress in your chin and tummy- it is amazing. My mom always told me that weight melts off- so you see it in your face, boobs and tummy first. Almost 10 pounds a month is more than I've ever been able to do! Kudos to your determination and cheers to your continued success.

  33. I support you. This person is sick. Anyone who wants to hurt someone who is basically a stranger has real issues. He or she is the one who needs to work on being normal. I know firsthand the scope of what you are doing. It is immense. You are powerful beyond measure. Stay strong.

  34. The person who wrote that comment is a bully and a coward. I would bet that this person whether malevor female has a huge self image problem. They obviously have mental issues to lack compassion of any form.

    Keep sharing your success story even when you have a setback because I will guarantee there is someone hanging onto your every word because they can identify with you. I think you are brave to step out of your comfort zone so you can help some else change their life! Kudos to u!!!!!

  35. I've never read your blog, but went back to your Sept. progress report out of curiosity. I think you look pretty freaking fantastic! Keep up the great work. Your not doing this for the rude person that posted who has no idea of who you are but for yourself and your doing great.

  36. That is an awful comment for that person to make. Yea, they were a right out coward! They are the one with the problem! What gets me is this person probably claims to be a Christian...They need to realize that God is Love, and that was not love! Keep up the good job, you are amazing!!

  37. Kudos for replying to this moron's post with such tact. I'm glad you didn't take it personally. This person is obviously dealing with unhappiness in their life, and unwisely chose to direct that anger towards you. Keep up the good work with your journey. I'll be rooting for you!

  38. You are an amazing, motivated and inspiring woman. You may not realize it but people are watching you and learning how to change their own lives. Use the hateful post as extra motivation, prove them wrong. That FACT that you have lost 57 pounds (!!!!!) is proof that you are committed to this change and will only progress from here. You are already exceptional.

  39. Keep going with your journey and brush the negative comments off. Keep in mind, weight is something you can lose, ugliness of the soul is forever.

  40. Bless you, girl. Who you are is NOT determined by what one angry person says about you. Choose to listen to truth. Keep your chin up, one day at a time!!

  41. I don't know you. You don't know me. But.... YAY YOU! A friend of mine shared this on her Facebook page and I couldn't help but share my support with you. I don't have as far to go as you do, but I still struggle daily to maintain my health and fitness on all levels and it is NEVER easy. You're walking the good walk and if you stumble now and then, you don't turn around, you stand up and keep going forward. Just like you are doing. Keep at it, and be happy.

  42. It's not that hard to believe that such hate found itself onto your blog, too many people are "internet brave", saying things they would never say in person.

    You have done an incredible job and I admire your drive!

    Best Wishes.

  43. Bless your heart. By sharing, you do open yourself to scrutiny. But scrutiny does not and never will equal hate. To me, Anonymous is the equivilant to a cyber terrorist. Words hurt. But, they can also be uplifting, comforting, and inspiring. You, M'dear, proved to be the better person and chose the higher road. Good luck and remember that many of us are taking this journey along side of you. Peace and blessings, in Christ's love, Holly Sturm.

  44. Keep up the good work :)
