Saturday, July 9, 2011

Three Days Grace (No. Not the band.)

Well. Three days away. Three days. My mother had surgery, and I left to tend to her. Then my daughter had a birthday party, and I was continuing to be away for her. I do not begrudge either of them, in any way, form or fashion. In fact, they were things that I had the privilege of doing.

That being said, they are so complete indicative of not only (partly) how I got here, but how I remain here. I am a people pleaser. I am a caretaker. I absolutely love serving the ones I love and care for - and complete strangers for that matter. Myself last. Always. How does this translate into weight gain? Where to start?!

I put my family first. I put my business first. I put everything besides myself and my needs first. Workout today? No time. I have to take care of the kids. Cook a healthy dinner today? No time. I'll be out and about all day. Workout tonight? I'm completely exhausted. Eight hours of sleep? Who has time for that much sleep? Cheerleading. Chorus. Park. Play Dates. Sleepovers. Drive-thrus. Late nights. Early mornings. Stress.

Before I know it, I've been putting myself last for more than ten years. Add multiple pregnancies and miscarriages, and consistent emotional eating, and what started as my being around 100 pounds overweight has turned into fifty+ more.

Three days. After less than a week, there were three days away. That's the bad news. That's the rain on my parade. The silver lining? The rainbow? I'm typing this. I'm back. I didn't stop. I didn't give up. It was three days. It was within the standard grace period. And while I made some choices that weren't great for my journey, I also made some choices that were. What could have completely derailed me, didn't.

Hurdle: Overcome.

The last few days overview:
The Good:
I managed to get quite a bit of walking and sweating in over the past three days. Go me!

The PROUD: (I decided to ditch the bad, so I wasn't focusing on more bads than goods each day)
I'm BACK! As soon as I had the ability to sit down and get back on track with things, I DID! This is by far my proudest accomplishment in this.

The Ugly:
To say that I didn't make the wisest choices in the past few days would be an understatement. While a few meals were seriously me working hardcore to make great choices (like when I chose the crab stuffed baked tilapia in the hospital cafeteria instead of the really bad for me stuff), and some were bad choices that I worked diligently to portion control (like when we had pizza brought in for the party and I only had 2 small slices), and some were just downright bad (there was a McDonald's run in the midst of things). I haven't stepped on the scale to document and see if there was any damage, but I'm ::hoping:: that my good choices outweighed my bad ones. Time will tell. :)

All-in-all, I shall reiterate again: Three days. And I came right back. Go me.

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